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Picture of Diana - Dilightful
Hi Lovely

Let me be your Spiritual Catalyst! 

I want to create a world where everyone feels free to follow their heart, by healing, inspiring and empowering people to release their limitations and conditioning so they become more of who they are truly meant to be!

My journey started with a MSc degree in chemical engineering, but showed me eventually that I'm not here to make catalysts, but to be a spiritual catalyst for others. 

I have always been a Soul searcher, knowing there was more to life than surviving. I discovered my passion for personal development, and explored that as an extensive hobby for a long time next to a traditional career.

Over time, my environment and body kept telling me more and more persistent (by burn outs, depression and other symptoms) to make some real changes. Discovering my Human Design eventually gave me the inner confidence and strength to follow my own intuition. Like a permission slip to do it my way - to really take the leap.

Picture of Diana - Dilightful

Become who you are meant to be!

Now I want to share this passion for a life that is aligned with your Inner Being, and overcoming any limitations, with anyone who feels called to step into their power.

As a Reflector (one of the Human Design Types) I bring a unique observing and sampling style. I see the potential of the people around me. And if you are willing to look in the mirror, we can bring this potential to the surface together.

I use tools like Human Design, Dilightful Coaching, Energy Healing, and Intuitive Systemic Work for my sessions. I would love to explore and unlock your unique gifts with you and how you can share them with the world!

Let's navigate your chart together & realign you with who you are meant to be!

xxx Diana
Become You!

Your Guide, Catalyst, Mirror

"In her practice Diana helps clients find the right life path by coaching them on their way to balance and harmony.

Every person is unique, with their own core essence. Diana recognizes and acknowledges that core, respects it, and looks for the most appropriate strategy to live by this.


Diana is a woman with depth. She feels where someone is going off course and understands that from the energetic signature.

Her approach brings you into harmony with yourself, and gives you the strength to make correct decisions in life. By combining intuition and feeling, with your heart's guidance you come into your own power, and are ready to take on life.

Step out of the hectic, and compulsive busy-ness of society and feel how harmonious and balanced life is when you live according to your unique blueprint.

Diana herself is a life artist. She knows from her own experience how much courage it takes to make your own choices that are rejected by others.


With Diana you get a mirror into your own life, your own core and you make the greatest discovery of your life: you discover yourself.

Who you are deep down, what you long for, what you need to shine in life.


Give yourself the ultimate gift: the discovery of yourself.


Diana will change your life for the better. Are you ready for the transformation into the best version of yourself? Then contact her for a free introductory meeting!"

Connect with Diana
Picture DilighfulFind your Life path, Live your Soul Mission, Human Design shows the way

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